Many modalities of healing and consciousness use the concept of the chakra. In general, a chakra is a concentrated energy center that is part of a network of energy centers located in, and communicating among, one or more planes of our larger energy field. Meditating on the chakras brings our attention to these spinning vortices of light and energy, enabling a deeper understanding and capacity to engage with our own healing.
“Chakra” translates from Sanskrit as wheel, disk or cyclone. We can adjust the spin direction and the opening of our chakras, and we can clear and balance them. We work primarily with chakras in the Astral and Etheric planes (I’ll explain more about the planes in a future post).
As you practice, you may be able to sense your chakras as centers of warmth or flow. Some people visualize a glowing light or colors associated with their chakras, while some may find an audio/tonal association.
I think of the Astral chakras as interrelated energetic expressions, each with a developmental history in our current lifetime. Our 1st chakra, for example, is particularly developmentally active in the first few years of our lives, when issues of survival and belonging are paramount. As we move through our unique human-emotional development, each of our chakras unfolds its range of expressions. Our chakras continue to grow and evolve throughout our lifetimes, and understanding each chakra’s developmental history provides insight into expressions of our adult personality.
Because all of the chakras are interrelated in time and space, the association of a given personality expression with a particular chakra is (at least on some level) metaphorical. Each expression of our personality is also influenced by the stories we hold around that aspect of our personality, and these stories may find energetic expression in one or more chakras and/or in the aura. Additionally, a given personality expression is related and affected by other expressions of our personality. The fluid interrelatedness of the chakras supports overall energetic resilience–as we clear resistances and outdated stories from a given chakra, we increase potential and flow throughout our energy field.